Financial Planning and Market Update 12/10/20

Among other things to ponder (like an attempted coup, a raging pandemic, crazy-making mixed economic signals), it’s “that time of year again” – year-end, a time to consider the legal and financial changes that have taken place, and all those things which come up as we await the turning of calendar – tax planning, contributions to retirement plans, charitable donations, financing/re-financing strategies, Required Minimum, Distributions, Asset Allocation/Rebalancing, estate planning documents. Like you, we can’t wait for 2020 to come to an end – what a year! – but before we watch it stagger into history there’s still time to make sure that we are in good shape as we enter what we hope will be a new and more positive era. We have been anticipating and planning for all this, but If you have not already scheduled a review, we are still making appointments and doing phone check-ins in these waning days of the year – it’s not too late to do some things!
I’m providing a link to what will become a regular feature of this newsletter – a grouping of Charts provided by our own Daken Vanderburg (whose Updates have been a regular feature) that track “the numbers”. We don’t expect everyone to study these, but glance through them for some perspective and insights. The charts will be updated each month so that they will always up to date. One thing you might be surprised to see in these charts is the fact that the stock market has risen 60% since the darkest of the days in late March – we’re proud to say that the vast majority of our clients didn’t “jump” and held on tight for the wild ride, and are now reaping the benefits. As we keep saying, no one knows what the markets will do in the short term, but in the long run, they have out-paced inflation and remain a reliable way to build wealth.
We hope you will find this edition of “The Soloist” interesting. Please consider subscribing to it and sharing this link with others you know who would profit from learning more about the lives and planning needs of the growing number of mature adults who live alone. Mary Young’s piece on “Proactive Planner” is required reading, and, and don’t miss her review of and links to foundational articles on the world of Solo Agers!
Read & Subscribe to the Soloist
And here is your link to our Financial Planning Update. You will find a useful “year-end” piece, along with information about Roth Conversions of Traditional IRAs, paying off student loans, and the changing consumer habits of Baby Boomers.
We are as always grateful for your referrals – we continue to offer complimentary consultations for anyone interesting in learning whether our financial planning and investment services could be right for them at this time.
All of us here at the Davis Financial Group wish you a safe, healthy end of the year, great (and safe) holiday celebrations, and a fantastic 2021 as we build toward a happier and safer world.
Securities and investment advisory services and financial planning services offered through qualified registered representatives of MML Investor Services, LLC, member SIPC, Supervisory office: 300 Whitney Avenue, Suite 600, Holyoke, MA 01040, Tel: 413-539-2000. The Davis Financial Group, LLC is not a subsidiary or affiliate of MML Investors Services, LLC.
Stay well, stay safe, stay in touch!
Allen Davis for the DFG Team
Allen J. Davis, CFP® ChFC
Financial Planner and Advisor
Davis Financial Group, LLC
10 Bay Road, Hadley, MA 01035
(413) 584-3098 x211 office
(413) 570-8311 direct line
(413) 584-0160 fax
ajdavis@davisfinancialgrp.comDue to the escalating COVID-19 situation, we have suspended in-person meetings and visits to our office to protect our clients, employees and the greater community, and to do all we can to flatten the curve. That said, we remain fully staffed and capable to conduct all business remotely via phone, email, web conferencing and paperless technology and serve existing and prospective clients alike. So please don’t hesitate to call or email us if there’s anything we can do to help you.
We wish you good health and look forward to hearing from you soon.
Our Contact Information:
Allen Davis
Direct Line (413) 570-8311 email
Lou Davis
Direct Line (413) 570-8316 email
Joanna Ballantine
Direct Line (413) 570-8313 email
Carol Valade
Direct Line (413) 570-8310 email
Ellen Carey
Direct Line (413) 570-8315 email