Financial Planning and Market Update 05/21/20

Dear Clients and Friends,
I’m forwarding the latest Update from Daken Vanderburg, Chief Strategist for Mass Mutual Wealth Management. I enjoyed his opening metaphor of a chrysalis, a transitional state. We certainly are at a moment both of great uncertainty and hope in our fight against the pandemic, and our efforts to recover from the devastating losses to our economy, felt so disproportionally and unfairly in our society and around the world. I for one am going into this Memorial Day weekend with so much gratitude for our warriors from other battles and hope that we truly are beginning to see the shape of a better future for us.
I hope you enjoy the weekend and stay well!
Allen Davis for the DFG Team
Allen J. Davis, CFP® ChFC
Financial Planner and Advisor
Davis Financial Group, LLC
10 Bay Road, Hadley, MA 01035
(413) 584-3098 x211 office
(413) 570-8311 direct line
(413) 584-0160 fax
Due to the escalating COVID-19 situation, we have suspended in-person meetings and visits to our office to protect our clients, employees and the greater community, and to do all we can to flatten the curve. That said, we remain fully staffed and capable to conduct all business remotely via phone, email, web conferencing and paperless technology and serve existing and prospective clients alike. So please don’t hesitate to call or email us if there’s anything we can do to help you.
We wish you good health and look forward to hearing from you soon.
Our Contact Information:
Allen Davis
Direct Line (413) 570-8311 email
Lou Davis
Direct Line (413) 570-8316 email
Joanna Ballantine
Direct Line (413) 570-8313 email
Carol Valade
Direct Line (413) 570-8310 email
Ellen Carey
Direct Line (413) 570-8315 email